Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10/6/14 | ....

"I just want to close my eyes and GO!...let me goooooo far awayyyyy, where its clean and green and pretty, where they went and made a city outta clay." -Newsies 

Ok this week wasn't that bad but that just went though my head and made me laugh. 
Here is some good new of the week: 
         -Sister Menlove is here!!!!! She is Sister Picketts new companion!! They are my STL's and in the same district as me :)yayyyyyyy #tendermercy
         -Elder Mask and Elder Leavitt (I served with them in West Chester) are here in the Zone too! It's like a big old West Chester reunion! How happy is that!! It's really happy in case you didn't actually know. 
Miracles and happy things that happened this week:

1. I had a really good idea on how to use our extra miles for the end of the month (we never ever have extra miles so this was big!) we were going to write thank you cards for some of the leaders of the ward that have been struggling (this is a hard ward) and hand deliver them--let them know that we are here for them and we love them and stuff. So we set out on our epic adventure over and across the entire ward boundary (that's really far). It went so well! We got a phone call from Sister Bright thanking us that night--it made her whole day. and we got to talk to some of the others we gave notes to and they were just so happy to see us. It was so happy making! #spreadjoy!

2.Glorious-the song I shared with youse last week. I had a really good idea to use it as a teaching tool but since it's not on our ipads that was kind of an obstacle...but my iPad is magic! I figured out that if I open up my facebook even if we don't have wifi, it would still magically play that music video! So we were able to have a really good lesson with Sister Ballard on Friday. That music video brings the spirit so so strongly , I think we are going to have to start using it as a finding tool too. Then later that day, we went to sister rayfords and ended up showing her the video too. Right before we shared it, three young girls came in the house. They sat on the couches but didn't seem interested in even looking at us. But while the video was playing, the spirit came into the room so strongly and one of the girls was totally sneak watching it :). After the video, we testified that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that he cares for each and every one of us. We are indeed all "glorious." I turned to the girl that was secret watching and asked her what her name was, it's Lexi. I asked if her family is religious, she told me that they moved to Reading a while back and never found a church they liked, so I asked her if they would be interested in us coming over and sharing what we believe to see if they like it. She lit up and said that would be awesome! She just needed to talk to her parents about it then we could come over!!! yayyyyyy. Then we talked to the other little girls too, they are children of record!! I guess the sisters used to visit them a while back and we asked if we could come over sometime! They said they would just come to the lessons at Sister Rayfords (she's their aunt) yayyy! This is really exciting! Then since the spirit was still uber strong, we asked sister rayford who she knew that would be interested in hearing a message about christ...and she gave us a referrall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Good! 

Another really good thing happened early this week  called "chocolate rescue package" I was so surprised!! and it was so happy making. Also, after the responses I've gotten from multiple people after my last email, I want to say sorry for sounding so apparently distraught. I didn't realize I sounded so hopeless. I assure you I am fine. Here's some good news on the subject though: President Anderson called me this week to discuss Sister Casey, we decided it might be best for her and for the area to add another sister into the mix (aka Trio) So that might be happening at the end of this week but I'm not sure. I have some other things to pow wow with President about before it happens. 

So this is how my weekend went: 

GENERAL CONFERENCE! It feels like Christmas when you're in the mission field :). also isn't it fun that we are all doing the same exact thing at the same exact time for 8 hours!! I think that's fun.
We watched (well...attempted to watch) the first session at the church. The visual didn't work and the sound was spotty so we got the bright idea to pull it up on our ipads and set up in a classroom. We missed a few talks because of bad wifi but it was amazing how it would always cut back in at the perfect sentences and phrases! It was like a battle between the dark side trying to not let us watch conference and angels making it work right at the perfect moments :). We missed most of Elder Robins talk though...I could tell it was a good one!! I have to go back and study most of that session. Oh but I'll tell you what I didn't miss: Ni Hao Elder Hong Wong! Is it just me or did he quote some Sagwa Lyrics (Hao Pung Yo!) 
We watched the second session at the Anderson's house. The adversary was at it again because we had a 20 min break mid session while the internet broke. So we missed the begining of Elder Callisters talk...I was really excited to hear that one but I'll have the chance to study it later too. 
After conference we headed home to finish some planning that needed to be done...but when we arrived home, Sister Casey insisted that she needed some time to write out some goals for a while. So I let her....little did I know that it would take her an hour. So I washed 100 dishes while she did that. Then she wanted to discuss them so we did. They were all good goals pertaining to her personal obedience. Our conversation led me to ask her a few questions, one of them being if she had a testimony of the atonement. She started crying and said she wasn't sure if she knew how to use it. I took the opportunity to teach her about the atonement and how to use it simply. As I spoke, the spirit testified strongly and by the end, she said she felt like she could do it. Later that night, I was pondering on the conversation and I had the most distinct feeling that that conversation we had was the reason I stayed here another transfer. That simple teaching moment and discussion about the atonement was important enough and life changing for the both of us, that I had to stay another 6 weeks. It was almost like the spirit confirming to me that I had done everything I could for Sister Casey and my work with her was done. Don't worry, I'm still going to work my hardest while I am here in Reading, it just means I can turn my focus back on the area more. 
Sunday morning session we got to watch at Rose Pogues :) and I believe Mom got a phone call...haha out of nowhere while we were eating the most scrumptious pumpkin waffles drenched in buttermilk syrup, Rose goes "What's your mom's phone number??" So I gave it to her thinking she would send mom a picture or something, but no, she was calling to thank her for the recipe! HA I couldn't stop laughing! I forget that you guys are just a phone call away, that's freaky. Mom, if you heard any laughing in the background it was me :). I loved elder Eyrings talk in that session.
After that we went to visit Sister Gruber and she invited us to watch the afternoon session with her!!! It was so good! Favorites from that one were: Hamula, Ballard, Scott, Godoy and Katcher. 
Then we went home for dinner break and planning.  Then a very curious thing happened...Sister Casey magically turned into the happiest missionary in the united states...She asked if we could go tracking...no one asks if we can go tracking, let alone someone that you have to trick out of the apartment every morning. Very curious. I literally have no idea what's going on with her. Oh well, every day is a surprise! 
Oh more rescues came this week too!!! Matt and Elder B send much need and wonderful pep talks :) thanks favorites! 
So that's how my week went. I'm not really sure how things will play out into next week, stay posted! 
Spencer also sent me some instructions on how to "harvest" so I think I'm going to study that and see what comes of it :) 
Have a happy happy week! I will make this week happy cause I can. ok byeee
Love, Sister Bailey

PS> The Whistle Pigs have been everywhere lately! Gatherin' up food storage for the winter I suppose. 

Conference Set up

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