Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1st Letter!

Alyssa wrote us an email last Friday, but wrote in the email addresses wrong...so we just got her first email today!


Hi Family! 
The MTC is a magical twilight zone time warp where you forget you are in Provo and time is really odd. You spend 6 hours a day in the same class room and you have 4 hours straight of study time and its totally awesome. My districts is 4 elders and 4 sisters: Elders Issartell (Kaysville), Readhead (Southern England), Harris (Nevada) and Parker (AF), Sisters Smith, Cottam (Taylorsville), Hood (Farmington) and myself. Sister Smith is my companion and we get along so so well. She is very funny and she thinks I'm funny too, I think that's why we get along so well. She is from Bountiful, the oldest of 6 kids I think and the first missionary just like me! She is 19 and just finished her first year at BYU. Sister Cottam is very...musical theater and she has red hair. and Sister Hood is very very quiet. But they are both nice, I think they are having a harder time teaching together than me and sister smith. Sister Smith and I are the dream team so I guess it would be hard to be like us ;). Elders Issartell and Readhead are very funny. Elder Readhead is from England, he's 20 and is a boat mechanic back home. His accent is exactly like Stan Shunpike from Harry Potter, the letter F instead of TH. (nofink insead of nothing) its really entertaining. 
Our teachers are Sister Gibson and Brother Scherk. They are both very good and so different that we get such different insight from both of them. It's really great. The food here is nothing to complain about. You can have fruit loops for every meal...and I do :) Elder Readhead can't understand how Americans eat cereal as a snack. He also eats mayo with everything so who is he to judge. Spencer you are going to love it here. The spirit is seriously so strong and you learn to love everyone; your district, your teachers, your branch president, companion...you name it, you love it. It's amazing how fast your love grows as well. I have only been here for 3 days and I feel like I have known my district for months. I'M JUST SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO EXPERIENCE THIS FOR YOURSELF SPANKY!
Our Zone consists of two districts, the other district has 2 sisters and 3 elders going to Philly with us and 2 sisters and 1 elder going to Tampa Florida (right next to your mission) It will be very sad to see them go to a different mission cause we love them so much too. Our Zone leaders are going to Seattle and our sister training leaders are going to Michigan. It will me sad to not have them come with us too. They have only been here one week longer than us. Weird. 
I got your package in the mail today :) thanks...but I'm not sure how I am going to pack my pillow....and I already bought another alarm clock at the bookstore...whoops. I would like some baby lotion though...I forgot mine. Did you get my letter I sent home? 
Tell Annie I got her lovely note (courtesy of Ryan Awercamp) THANK YOU THANK YOU! That seriously MADE MY DAY!!! 
I ran into Elder Milheim. I had no idea he was going to Taiwan. Also Sister Howden. I guess she is still here cause of a medical issue. So she might have to stay a whole nother transfer. wowza. 
My P day is on wednesday and guess who has free time from 12-2? Thats right me :) Maybe I'll be seeing you ;) We also get to go to the temple on Pday at 3 to do a session, oh how I wish I could have done a session with my dear and only sister Jenna ;). Write write write me. Dear elder is really easy to use (if you did write me already I wont get it till 9:30 when elder readhead passes out mail. he is the district leader) Also where are my french bee's wax creme brulees? ;) 
I hope you are all doing well and I'll most likely be seeing you on wednesday. Spencer a word of advice. stop chewing gum now. you cant have it here and I'm going through withdrawals. 
Oh my guess what!! there is this tree on campus that straight up smells like cream soda...this is not a lie. ask any missionary that went to the MTC. Ok love you love you BYE!

Love, Sister Bailey :)

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